New Zealand designer Juliette Hogan recently published a clothing care guide. This guide was developed to support her -�buy once, buy right-� philosophy, which helps her customers increase the longevity of their garments so they can enjoy quality knitwear and cashmere for decades.

Garment Longevity

She shared her perspective on why extending the longevity of garments is so important, -�Of course there's the ethical and sustainability aspect to this, but also when making a purchasing decision, you can justify a quality garment with potentially a higher price point as with the right care the garments should give you years and years of wear.-�

She added that some garments -�weave their way into your heart and like a best friend, are more than worth the effort to care for to keep the relationship alive!-�

Ms. Hogan believes that clothing care and repair have become a dying art. While this has happened slowly over several years, she attributes it to the fast fashion movement, a trend where garments are discarded after a few wears or even with the tags still on. Contrary to this trend, Ms. Hogan keeps old favorites for years, and still wears pieces from her original collection. To keep older garments current, she relies on a good tailor.

So what is Ms. Hogan's most important clothing care tip?

-�I recommend storing knitwear flat. For hanging garments, ensure that they have a little space to breath and are protected from light and damp. Moths do love cashmere, so I would pop special pieces in a cotton bag for protection in the summer months when not being worn.-�

For more on clothing care, visit our website.